Thursday, October 8, 2009

workshop at the Festival des Femmes Funk

The Festival is over. My stand and jewelery put away until the next sale, which will be in the end of November. I'm glad it's all over because I have to put in very long hours, and everyone is asleep when I get home, but, that also means that my jewels are all packed up and no one can ooh and ah over them. I love the four days of talking about jewelery, about what inspires me, how I learned, and discovering what inspires other people. I did a lot of talking about how silver jewelery is made and how I hope to share this information with others. It looks like I've got a few serious students lined up. I tried to explain to people that learning to work in silver demands a certain amount of commitment and a lot of frustration. I don't think most people understand what goes into the creative process, and the number of years involved in perfecting and developing new techniques, in silversmithing or any craft.
I did run two small workshops during the festival. My girls were making so much noise, luckily the music stages were far away. I got a lot of laughs from boys when they saw the world's smallest anvil and hammer. There was some frustration, some starting over but most of the girls walked out of my stand with their new earrings dangling from their ears and the others were packed away in little boxes to offer as gifts to their daughters. Thank you to La Petite Chouet for her help, company, and creativity. It was great fun!
here are some pixs from the stand and the workshop.

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